
Saturday 20 July 2024

New Order - Technique


I bought Technique shortly after it was released, and thought it was the best New Order album up to that point. Although the use of electronics, programming, sequencing etc continued to increase, there was still plenty of indie dance/pop, and the tunes were consistently good. It was hardly a surprise it was a number 1 album in the UK.

"Run" was my favourite track and I was puzzled to later read the New Order had been sued by John Denver's Estate for similarities to "Leaving On A Jet Plane".

Listening to "Technique" again over 35 years later, I noticed a distinct split between the traditional guitar and bass indie tracks, which in places now tended to sound like The Cure and the electronica, which sounded like The Pet Shop Boys, with the Balearic club/acid house "Fine Time" an outlier.

Side One opens with "Fine Time" which I didn't like much at the time and it is still my least favourite track on the album. Heavy with electronic bass, drums and synths and a ridiculously deep "sex-god" vocal.

Fortunately "All The Way" goes back to their  traditional guitar and bass orientated indie pop with bass, drums and strummed guitar and a nice melodica motif before the second verse and again in the outro. There is a hint of The Cure's "Just Like Heaven". "It takes years to find the nerve to be apart from what you've done. To find the truth inside yourself and not depend on anyone" Hint of Just like Heaven..

"Love Less" is one of the highlights on "Technique". A mellow song with more melodic bass and rhythmic acoustic guitars, it's another song that could be The Cure. "Can't you see? Why don't you look at me? It's not your right to be so much my enemy".

"Round And Round" is back to the sequencing and electronic music but it now sounds like The Pet Shop Boys. Despite that, it is quite hypnotic. "The picture you see is no portrait of me. It's too real to be shown to someone I don't know. And it's driving me wild, it makes me act like a child".

"Guilty Partner" is another proper song with great driving bass and here the drums sound real. It has a Spanish guitar style solo. "I'm not some kind of foolish lover. I couldn't take this from no other. You're not being cool with me 'cause I always know you'll come back to me. Yes, you'll come back to me".

"Run" starts Side Two and remains my favourite song on the album. I still don't see much similarity to "Leaving on a Jet Plane" apart from perhaps the guitar solo between verses at a stretch could be vaguely similar to Denver's verse ? If that is the basis of the out of court settlement and Denver getting a song-writing credit, then just about every song could be sued by somone, music only has eight notes ! Anyway, I love the slow synth break and drums before the bass and guitars join in for the big finish.   "Answer me, why won't you answer me? I can't recall the day that I last heard from you. Well, you don't get a tan like this for nothing so, here's what you've got to do. You work your way to the top of the world then you break your life in two".

"Mr Disco" is dominated by the bass and electronic noise but has quite a decent tune. The electronic hand-clapping sounds are a bit cliched but I quite like them ! It's another one that could be The Pet Shop Boys. "I can't find my peace of mind because I need you with me all of the time. I used to think about you night and day, I used to feel what language cannot say". "Ibiza, Majorca and Benidorm too, these are the places I never found you".

"Vanishing Point" is another disco track with electronic bass, drums and synths. I like the rising piano and bass leading into more Pet Shop Boys synths and vocals. "My life ain't no holiday. I've been through the point of no return. I've seen what a man can do. I've seen all the hate of a woman too".

The album closes "Dream Attack" starts with strummed guitar and heavy drums, then there are some lovely guitar lines before being joined by the bass and then the vocal comes in. There is a nice piano break after the first verse and the chorus. "I don't belong to no one but I want to be with you. I can't be owned by no one what am I supposed to do?  I can't see the sense in you leaving, all I need is your love to believe in".

In summary, despite now recognizing that some it sounds like other bands, "Technique" remains a fantastic album.

Track Listing :

Side One :

1. Fine Time
2. All the Way
3. Love Less
4. Round And Round
5. Guilty Partner

Side Two :

1. Run
2. Mr Disco
3. Vanishing Point
4. Dream Attack

Released 1989
UK Chart Position : 1

Singles :

Fine Time ( No 11 - 1988 )
Round And Round ( No 21 - 1989 )
Run ( No 49 - 1989 )

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