
Monday 24 June 2024

New Order - Brotherhood


Brotherhood was New Order's fourth studio album and at the time I thought it was the best they had released. The sticker shows I paid £6.29 for the LP but it is not clear from where I bought it.

I liked every track on the album as the band moved away from the dance-rock hybrid of "Power, Corruption & Lies" and towards "post punk", but with their strongest collection of melodies. 

The only song I had heard before was "Bizarre Love Triangle" as the 12 inch version was on the "Substance 1987" compilation, although I was unaware it had been their breakthrough single in the USA as I had not heard it when it was released as a single in the UK and got no higher than 56 in the UK chart. The song was subsequently used in the film "Married To The Mob", which starred Michelle Pfeiffer.

It was sometime after that I discovered that side one was supposed to have the "post punk" material whilst side two was "electronica". To me though, the only significant difference was perhaps the drums on side one were real but electronic on side two ?

"Paradise" opens side one with some crisp drumming then a synth bass line. The chorus has a lot of uncharacteristic "Sha-la-la-la-la"s which makes it quite catchy. "If we left this town we could walk the Earth together. If you let me down I will live in you forever".

The uptempo "Wierdo" is dominated by thrashy guitar  "Just like the ocean or the sea. Just like the blood that burns in me. Someone like you cannot be free. Just like a lock without a key"

However, the pace changes with "As It Is As It Was" which begins with a slow acoustic guitar intro, then the drums and bass come in. "I've kept my head against the wall, I've been this way for so long now. You weren't exactly falling over yourself when last I saw you. Well I always thought we'd get along like a house on fire, until you told me that I'd have to go. How can someone like you, work that slow?"

The post punk vibes return with "Broken Promise" which has an urgent bass and guitar intro. "And I never could believe it, and I never could be true. For the things that mean so much to me, don't mean that much to you"

Heavy drumming gets "Way Of Life" under way and around the two minute mark there is a killer guitar solo after which the bass and drums take over. "Who do you think you're talking to? When I look at you I know you're lying. All you say and do seems to fall apart and leave you crying".

Side two starts with "Bizarre Love Triangle", in which electronic beats and synthesized strings dominate.

"All Day Long"is a pretty but sad song, with Wagnerian style synths and then a lovely guitar break. "This is a song about an innocent who died at the hands of a desperate man. He trusted those who he thought he knew. He trusted those who he looked up to".

"Angel Dust" is perhaps the weakest song on the album. There's a simple one note at a time piano break, and dramatic synth strings. It's a decent track, but simply pales in comparison with the rest of the album.

The album finishes with "Every Little Counts", which is my favourite track. Starting with bass and cymbals not too dis-similar to Lou Reed's "Walk On The Wild Side", Bernard Sumner burst out laughing when trying to sing "I think you are a pig". However, the song continues and has some gorgeous guitar and synth strings. The guitar break plays the melody and a great synth motif comes in near the end. The track then the sound of a record being scratched by the needle to finish.

Having heard "Brotherhood" for the first time in over thirty years, it remains a fantastic album.

Track Listing :

Side One :

1. Paradise
2. Wierdo
3. As It Is As It Was
4. Broken Promise
5. Way Of Life

Side One :

1. Bizarre Love Triangle
2. All Day Long
3. Angel Dust
4. Every Little Counts

Released 1986
UK Chart Position : 9

Singles :

Bizarre Love Triangle ( No 56 - 1986 )


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