
Tuesday 14 May 2024

The Mission - Children


"Children" was the second album released by The Mission. I bought it because I had liked their first offering but the sticker shows I paid a special price of £2.99 in Our Price Records, which suggests I didn't rush out and buy immediately upon its release.

At the time I thought the album was very similar to God's Own Medicine, both musically and with the lyrical themes, but not quite as good. However, whereas I could remember nearly all of "God's Own Medicine", the track listing for "Children" was all a blank except for the single "Beyond The Pale". Whilst I recognised the other three titles on side one, I couldn't remember too much of how they went, but nothing on side two rang any bells.

The album begins with the nearly 8 minute long "Beyond The Pale". There are children playground sounds for over a minute accompanied by a sad violin, before the guitar gently plays the melody. Its two minutes twenty before the bass and drums join and the tempo increases, it is a contender for the longest ever fade in, and there is a slightly Indian vibe to the guitar riff. "Sell me down the river and out to sea. Cast me adrift and set me to sail. Just one last kiss before raising hell. Beyond the pale". For me it remains the best track on the album.

"Wing And A Prayer" has a typical crooning vocal and a killer chorus. "Well I never, but the devil may care. I'm coming in on a wing and a prayer". I was still humming this a day after listening to it !

The slow and mournful "Heaven On Earth"has an acoustic guitar intro and is sounds like there is some mandolin. There is another big chorus."You give me heaven, and I'll promise you the earth"

Another eight minute song closes side one. The first single from the album "Tower Of Strength" begins with acoustic guitar intro reminiscent to the first refrain in "Close To The Edge" by Yes but the main riff is very similar to Led Zeppelin's "Kashmir". After all, the album was produced by Led Zep bassist John Paul Jones ! Despite being a hit single I barely recognised it. It has some heavy drumming, synths and whilst it plods along, its all a bit dull.

"Kingdom Come" opens side two with a gentle guitar intro, then some synths. It's almost an identi-kit Mission song, with a driving beat, decent riff, strong vocal, a rising chorus and mystical lyrics. It was supposed to be the third single from the album but that plan was discarded. "And we close our eyes, to dream a while. And we close our eyes to dream a while. Dream a while, with bated breath for the Kingdom come".

"Breathe" is a slower ethereal number with a gentle electronic guitar and synths, and is less than 90 seconds long.

"Child's Play" sounds like a possible track from Echo And The Bunnymen's "Porcupine" album. Its OK, but is a bit of a filler. 

The insubstantial instrumental "Shamera Kye"has a Celtic vibe and is only 34 seconds long. It sounds like there is some violin and harmonica in the mix.

"Black Mountain Mist" is a complete change of style, being a Celtic folk song with acoustic guitar, a nice melody,  and female backing vocals. It's short at just under three minutes. I was surprised I couldn't remember it !

"Heat" is standard The Mission fare. It has a decent guitar solo and musically it reminded me a little of "And The Dance Goes On" from "God's Own Medicine", but some of the lyrics are almost what you would write for a Mission parody. "Save for the asking, fortune favours the brave. Let me take strength from the child in your eyes. And between the lines, we dance into the mirror. And a grateful embrace lays in wait for the sun to rise". Its ends with some children reciting the "Fe Fo Fi Fum" nursery rhyme.

The album closes with the dreadful "Hymn ( For America )". It starts pleasantly with 50 seconds of plucked electric guitar before a Led Zeppelin style monster riff comes in, reminiscent of that from "The Immigrant Song". There is again also an Indian vibe with what sounds like a sitar. Unfortunately, I am not a fan of Led Zeppelin's heavy rock so it is my least favourite track on the album, and the tune is instantly forgettable. It also also has some children backing vocals, and the like the intro to Beyond The Pale, the long outro is the sound of children playground noises. I would be quite happy if I never heard this song again !

"Children" is over 50 minutes long so it is fair to say you get your money's worth, although it would probably benefit from some editing, and even the omission of a couple of tracks. 

The best songs were "Beyond The Pale", "Wing And A Prayer"," Kingdom Come" & "Black Mountain Mist". "Hymn ( For America )" is best avoided.


Track Listing :

Side One :

1. Beyond The Pale
2. Wing And A Prayer
Heaven On Earth
Tower Of Strength

Side Two :

1. Kingdom Come
Child's Play
Shamera Kye
Black Mountain Mist
6. Heat
7. Hymn ( For America )

Released 1988
UK Chart Position : 2

Singles :

Tower Of Strength ( No 12 - 1988 )
Beyond The Pale ( No 32 - 1988 )


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